Episode 001: What is Relational Parenting?

In this first episode, you learn about Jennie and Rick, where they came from, where they are now, and what exactly is Relational Parenting?

The Relational Parenting Podcast

Episode 002: Shame and Guilt

Jennie and Rick discuss the foundation of shame our parenting rests on and how to break the cycle of it in your home.

The Relational Parenting Podcast

Episode 003: Connection Over Control

This week we introduce the First Pillar of Relational Parenting! Fostering Connection to create Cooperation instead of using Control. How to prioritize your sacred relationship with your child, even in the face of intense frustration or conflict. Parenting is hard. This episode will help.

The Relational Parenting Podcast

Episode 004: Generational Trauma

This week I wanted to take a step back and address a concept that has come to the forefront of our collective consciousness in recent years: Generational Trauma, OR Generational Cycles.  The awareness and understanding of the patterns of behavior, thinking and potentially abuse that get passed down through familial lines is wonderful and I’m so excited that more and more people are becoming aware of it and making changes. But I’ve also noticed that the emphasis is on changing the future and very little acknowledgment of healing the past.  So I wanted to dive into that with you and really explore what it takes to ACTUALLY work with the generational cycles in your own life in order to be the parent you want to be for your children.  This subject is not an easy one to traverse and naturally forced my dad and I to have some very honest, hard and awkward conversations. We dove into things neither of us had ever discussed before and triggered some very deep, old wounds.  And the results of those conversations are here in this episode. I can’t wait to hear what you think, what you learned and if you have more questions on this topic, please comment or message me!.

The Relational Parenting Podcast

Episode 005: Parental Anger

This week’s episode is a little vulnerable, a little more experiential and a little revealing of some of our personal flaws and stories. I received an email a few weeks ago from one of the parents on my newsletter list and it reminded me of something I’ve experienced and I’ve known many other parents to experience as well: something called “mom rage” or “parent rage” (because it happens to ALL types of parents and primary caregivers). I really wanted to do an episode on this because it’s something that a lot of parents also tend to feel alone in. Or we convince ourselves that no one else feels like this. And that’s fair - because most of us don’t talk about it when we have those shame-inducing feelings toward our kids. It’s hard to admit. So let’s normalize it. Let’s bring it into the light so we can deal with it, heal it, and move forward with more skills for raising kids without trauma. Thank you to my reader, for being so vulnerable and honest, and for allowing me to share this message with the parenting world!

The Relational Parenting Podcast

Episode 006: Taking a Break

Well it was one of those weeks y'all. I felt the call to take a moment and update everyone on where we're headed over the next few months. I have some seriously exciting guests lined up for you! We will kick things off next week with my friend Marie Armitage - talking about momming through chronic illness, staying connected and how she helps other professional moms through her own coaching biz too! After that, March is going to be a 5 week series on ALL things Education! We have psychologists, mentors, teachers, social workers and education strategists all lined up to give you the deets on how to shape your child's education according to their needs, your needs and what's best for your family. There are so many options that many are unaware of and I can't wait for you all to get all the info for shaping a critical piece of your child's future. After that, I've got childcare experts lined up from the medical field to holistic practices, to parents just like you talking about their journey and growth as they became parents and what they're doing now with their kiddos. Sooooo many questions will be answered over the next few months! I can't wait!

The Relational Parenting Podcast

Episode 007: Parenting Through Chronic Illness and Other Hard Convos

Marie Barrington-Armitage is an incredible peak performance coach for coaches and a mindset guru who specializes in helping moms break through barriers and reach their professional goals with more ease, joy, and fun. In addition to having her MBA and coaching certification, she has over 25 years of experience in coaching and mentoring. Despite facing numerous personal challenges such as Lupus and her son's chronic illness, she continues to be resilient and inspiring - always determined to help others find success. We're so excited to have Marie here today to share her story with us. Her experience and insight is invaluable to anyone striving to create their dream life while balancing raising a family in today’s social climate. 

The Relational Parenting Podcast