
Jennie Bee Coaching

What Is Relational Parenting?

Relational Parenting is an evidence and experience-based parenting method that encompasses my own 20 years of hands-on experience with the latest and greatest in Child Psychology Research, Family Dynamics, and Relational Science.

I decided to call what I teach “Relational” Parenting because the basis of all human life starts with our relationships. From infancy, we are cared for by others (usually adults and usually parents, but not always). As we grow into “big kids”, tweens, teens and eventually adults - everything we do depends on the undertones of our home life and our connection to our parents or caregivers. As we go out into the world we meet teachers, nannies, peers, extended family, etc, and we navigate bonds and relationships with them too. These relationships determine the course of our lives by influencing the choices we make, the clothes we wear, the network we build, and more. If our children don’t learn these skills as early as possible, if they don’t have a good example to watch and learn from, their quality of life will not meet it’s full potential.

Relational Parenting is more than just gentle parenting or intentional parenting. What I teach you will give you the relationship skills you need in order to:

  1. Foster an unbreakable, life-long bond of trust and respect with your child.

  2. Use Connection instead of coercion or control to gain Cooperation.

  3. Build the loving, resilient, REAL-life abilities of your child up so they can reach their full potential and highest quality of life.

  4. Explore, process and break-down your own parenting struggles so YOU can step into your power and confidence too.

There is no rulebook for parenting. And every parent has their own “flavor” they bring to the table and your kiddo NEEDs that. They need YOU. But they need the healed, in-tune and well-informed YOU.

My superpower is pin-pointing the stories you carry about the “shoulds” of parenting and step into your confidence and inner knowing on how to care for your children. My coaching and courses are here to teach you real-life tools, research-backed facts and ground-up methods for creating a mutually respectful and kind relationship with your kiddos.

In all my years of child-rearing and educational experience, I came to realize that most of my frustrations with children came from my own need to be in charge, to be respected and to feel like I was doing it “right” (especially when other people were watching). I’ve done the work to release many of those triggers and I have come out the other side as a more regulated, confident, kind and understanding care-giver (sometimes I still lose it!). When I prioritize my connection and relationship to a child over lecturing and correcting, the child feels safe and able to problem solve along side me. And I feel calmer and able to problem solve too! This reduces tantrums and fighting and increases joy, ease and teamwork in the household.

Are you curious? Are you struggling? Sound like a dream? I’ll make it a reality.
Let’s chat and see if 1:1 coaching is right for you!

My Approach

Here at Jennie Bee - we do not scare or coerce children into submission. We focus on RELATIONSHIP. The relationship is the foundation on which all other parenting priorities build. Without a relationship first - the rest falls apart. We will use the following framework to shape your new approach to parenting and restore your joy and confidence.


Regulate Your Emotions Before Communicating:

  • Here you will learn how to identify when you are dis-regulated, what that feels like in your body and how to regulate yourself prior to responding to your child. When you are regulated, you have a clear mind and plenty of space to hold whatever your child’s needs of the moment are.

Choose Your Body Language:

  • Standing over a small child is intimidating to them. It automatically puts them in a state of fight or flight. Here you will learn the many ways your body language affects how your child responds to you and how to shift your body language to build relationships.

Lead with Empathy:

  • When we lead with empathy during tough interactions, it teaches our kids that they are safe, understood, and loved no matter what. Feeling safe and loved is required for problem-solving to occur. When your kids feel this, then conflict or behavioral issues can be worked through as a team with your kiddo instead of through power struggle and punishment.


Know Your Values:

  • You must know what you value so you know what to teach. What is important to you? What do you want to instill in your kids? Kids will mirror every single one of your behaviors without fail. Who do you want your kids to be? Be that.

Identify Your Limits/Boundaries:

  • What will you not tolerate? What are your needs? You are a human with emotions and needs too. Letting your kids know what you need allows them to participate in the giving part of the relationship.

Empower Your Kids:

  • When you know what you value and you know your boundaries then you KNOW where you stand. And this is your confidence. When kids have a confident caregiver they feel safe and secure to explore their own beliefs and values. They also feel like they can trust you and will cooperate more in their relationship with you.


Give It To Get It:

  • Kids learn respect from us. We must respect their needs first so that they can learn by example how to respect ours. Often, a child’s behavior is labeled “disrespectful” when really, they just have an unmet need. Kids don’t always have the language skills yet to communicate their needs. And kids can’t read our minds either. Modeling respectful communication with your child will breed respect in return.

Choice, Consent And Play!:

  • Kids just want to have fun! But we all know we have to eat and bathe and brush our teeth too. I’ll guide you to find ALLLL the ways you can say “yes” to your kiddo so that they say “yes” to you when it’s time for the not-so-fun stuff. Things like giving choices whenever possible and always empowering your child to give their consent first will breed trust, cooperation, and responsibility.

Communication (Tone/words):

  • The words you use and the tone of your voice determine the outcome and response from your child. Be intentional and respectful with your words. Being demanding, annoyed, or frustrated will come through in your words. Kids don’t want to be talked to like that any more than adults do. Use your words to create safety and cooperation. You will learn key phrases and how to use your tone to keep relationships the #1 priority in conversations.

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